New Arrivals: 11 Power, 5 Workshops, 4 Bazaars and more!


We are giving away a copy of the coveted dual land from Revised!

Just be subscribed to one of our e-mail lists by July 31, and you might end up fixing your mana base in a big way.

Learn more about the giveaway and how to participate here!

Highlights: Unlimited Power Eleven

We are starting this week with a huge amount of Unlimited Power Nine cards. There’s a total of 11 new ones, including a Played Black Lotus! Then we have one Ancestral Recall (GD), one Time Walk (PL) and two Timetwister (PO, PL).

As for the Moxen, here they are:

And that’s by far not all the Unlimited cards we got for you! There’s more, such as two Played Time Vaults, a Played Chaos Orb and a Played Copy Artifact. 

And Unlimited Duals!

The only Duals of the week are from Unlimited, no complaints about that! There's three Badlands (PL, GD), three Tropical Island (PO, PL, GD) as well as two Volcanic Islands (PL, LP) and two Scrublands (PL).

Alpha and Beta

After all that Power, let’s look at what came before Unlimited: Alpha and Beta. Starting with Alpha, we got:

And then there’s Beta with a total of five Swords to Plowshares (PL, LP, NM) and three Hypnotic Specter (PL, LP). And that’s not all, Beta also has for us a Balance (PL), Word of Command (GD) and Berserk (PL). 

Arabian Nights Is Crazy This Week

Now, we told you that the Unlimited Power was our highlight of the week, but this one here comes a close second. Arabian Nights is packing the big heat this time with four Bazaar of Baghdads (PL, GD, EX) and two Library of Alexandria (PO, LP).

And you know that’s not even all! Here’s the rest:

Antiquities Is Unhinged This Week

Antiquities sees what Arabian Nights is doing and says, “Hold my beer”.

We got a total of five new Mishra’s Workshop (PO, PL, LP, GD) for you as well as four Candelabra of Tawnos (GD)! Then you can also get two Winter Mishra’s Factory (PL, NM), seven Transmute Artifacts (PL, LP, GD) and five Power Artifacts (LP, GD, EX).

Let’s see if Legends can top this!

Legends Is Mental This Week

And we are continuing this absolute madness of pure goodness with Legends. Here we got four Tabernacles at Pendrell Vale (PL, LP, EX), three Moats (LP, GD, EX) and four The Abyss (PL, EX).

That’s not all, though, just taking a breathing pause. Next up are six Mana Drains (PO, PL), some of which are SIGNED or INKED, four Invoke Prejudice (PL, GD, EX) and one of each: Chains of Mephistopheles (PO), Nether Void (GD), All Hallow’s Eve (GD) and Mirror Universe (PL).

Let’s also not forget about Italian Legends. Here we have two Chains of Mephistopheles (GD), one Moat (NM) and one Nether Void (EX).

High-End Reserved List Is Deranged This Week

First of all, each HER card this week is in English. Now, are you ready for this?

Ten City of Traitors (PO – NM), six Survival of the Fittest (PL, GD, EX), four Mox Diamond (PO, PL), four Grim Monolith (PL – EX) and two Gaea’s Cradle (LP, GD).

High-End Foils Is Insane This Week

There’s 41 new foils this week, each of them is in English and rarely comes alone.

Let’s start with Zendikar Expeditions. Here we got four Scalding Tarns (GD, EX), four Misty Rainforest (GD), three Flooded Strand (GD, EX), two Polluted Delta (GD, EX) and two Ancient Tomb (GD).

From Kaladesh Inventions we got two Mana Crypt (NM), one Sol Ring (NM), one Mana Vault (NM) and one Sword of Feast and Famine (EX). There’s also one single card from Amonkhet Invocations: Force of Will (NM).

As far as Judge and Player Promos go, we got four FNM Swords to Plowshares (PL, LP, GD), four Player Reward Wastelands (PO, GD, EX), one Judge Reward Gaea’s Cradle (GD) and one Judge Reward Intuition (EX).

Onto the OGs! Here you can get yourself five Mercadian Masques Brainstorms (LP, GD) or a Rhystic Study (PL) from Prophecy. There’s also Hallowed Fountain (LP) and Breeding Pool (GD) from Dissension, as well as a Seventh Edition City of Brass (GD).

Rarities From The MTG World

Our Rarities this week are nothing to scoff at, but they come in smaller numbers than the rest! Here we got a Guru Land of each type as well as a Harper Prism Promo Mana Crypt (LP).

And the obligatory Portal Three Kingdoms card is this time... an Imperial Seal (GD)!

New arrivals